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Discover the journeys of aspiring and successful investors, and leading funds management firms that are shaping a more diverse and inclusive industry
Ignite your passion for investment management
Dive into the experiences of aspiring and professional investors, and discover what it’s like to work at top investment firms. Get inspired by their stories and gain insights to guide your own career path.
Discover how our Future IM/Pact partner firms are driving diversity through innovative initiatives, and leading positive change across the industry.
Dive into the monthly musings of our Future IM/Pact founder, Yolanda Beattie, as she offers insights on how to master your inner game.
Tune in to hear inspiring investors share their career stories, including the ups and downs of building a flourishing career and life they love.
I love hearing personal stories of investors, how they’ve dealt with challenges such as imposter syndrome and how they continue to stay curious about the world around them
Hannabeth Marchant, University student
I am drawn to the challenge of analysing complex financial data and the opportunity to work closely with companies is incredibly exciting to me.
Eds Lamdagan, early career community participant
My best advice to women wanting to pursue a career in investment management is: Back Yourself!
Zelijka Black, Equities Analyst, Australian Ethical