Partner / Workplace programs / Leadership development programs

Leadership development programs

In-house programs supporting your leaders to elevate their performance and unleash the potential of their teams

The experience

Leadership is about empowering other people as a result of your presence.

Our leadership development programs supports your leaders to build the deep self-awareness required to transform their leadership impact.

Run in-house and customised to your organisational context, programs typically run over three to six months with a cohort of up to 12 leaders who are at similar levels across a business unit or organisation. 

By using proven tools, concepts and process, we help your leaders to embrace change, complexity and challenge. Our endgame is for every participant to discover how they can adapt and grow to realise their full potential and lift the collective intelligence of their teams.

Facilitated by Future IM/Pact founder and leadership expert, Yolanda Beattie, leadership development experiences typically comprise:

The learning experience is anchored by current challenges, delivering rapid and lasting impact.

Challenges we embrace

Participants are supported to identify and tackle the most significant mindset and behavioural issues that are impeding their leadership effectiveness. Some of the common adaptive challenges we’ve helped leaders embrace and resolve include:

  • Poor delegation, controlling tendencies
  • Unclear feedback, conflict avoidance, passive resistance
  • Overwork and burnout
  • Defensiveness and righteousness, difficulty in being open to different perspectives and being constructively challenged
  • Difficulty in constructively challenging others
  • Change resistance, status quo bias 
  • Lack of team trust, cohesion and collaboration 

Development focus areas

Adaptive leadership

How to expand mental complexity and evolve to higher stages of leadership development by working with ego, identity, mindset and beliefs. Captured as an adaptive challenge, being the leader’s greatest growth edge. Anchored in core principles of radical responsibility and curiosity.   


Craft a career strategy anchored to your leadership purpose and desired profile, and supported by a strategic network that aligns with individual and organisational imperatives.

Energy management

Discover your Zone of Genius and the 4 pillars of integrity to boost your energy, build confidence and improve your effectiveness.

Communicating with impact

Learn how to master impactful communications by providing clarity on strategy, roles and expectations; adapting your style to align with others; building warmth, trust and empathy through shared vulnerability and candour; and giving and receiving feedback that leads to growth.

Unleashing others

Lift the collective intelligence of your teams by identifying how you need to shift to ensure they operate at the their best. Individual shift moves include relating  to others, managing conflict, delegating effectively, strategic focus, and decisiveness.

Yolanda created an open and relaxed environment from the outset. She made it safe for everyone to be vulnerable and work on the big stuff that was holding us back at work and in life.

Find out more about our in-house leadership development programs

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