Student spotlight: Ashwin Rao

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Meet Ashwin Rao, part of the impressive winning team in our 2023 Investment Competition. As his prize, Ashwin chose an internship with Schroders and shares his insights, highlights and aspirations with us.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I’m 20 years old and currently in my third year studying Law and Finance at UNSW.  I live in the North-West of Sydney, and outside of work and uni, I enjoy playing sports, especially soccer. I have also picked up the travel bug, having just returned from a trip to Thailand and Singapore.

How did you first hear about Future IM/Pact?

I first heard about Future IM/Pact through the 2023 national investment competition, and have been involved in the program ever since.

What do you find most valuable about the program?

Future IM/Pact has offered me an unparalleled opportunity to gain invaluable exposure to the investment management industry. By providing access to leading mentors in the field and consistently updating me about industry opportunities, Future IM/Pact has equipped me with the tools and insights needed to navigate this challenging but rewarding field. For many students, myself included, breaking into the investment management field can seem daunting from the outside. However, with Future IM/Pact’s support and guidance, the path becomes clearer, and success feels within reach.

What interests you about a career in investment management?

Before my involvement with Future IM/Pact, I hadn’t seriously considered a career in investment management. However, what intrigues me about this field now is its dynamic nature and the potential to make a tangible difference. Investment management isn’t just about numbers and financial gains; it’s about identifying opportunities to invest in companies and projects that have the potential to drive innovation, create jobs, and positively impact society. The ability to play a role in shaping the future of various industries and contributing to positive change is what excites me the most about pursuing a career in investment management.

Tell us about your experience participating in the Investment Competition

The investment competition gave me my first real exposure into the practical side of investment management. Through uni course work as well as talking to others, I understood the basic concepts related to the industry but it was through the competition I was able to practically apply these learnings. One of the most rewarding parts of the experience was getting the opportunity to present our analysis to industry professionals on the finals night. The positive feedback received from the judges served as validation of our efforts and underscored the value of hands-on application in reinforcing theoretical knowledge.

Is there anything you’d do differently? Any advice for this year’s participants?

One of the most important things I would suggest to this year’s participants is to find a team which you truly get along with and have a great rapport with. I believe one of the keys to our success was the great team camaraderie we had. This environment of trust and camaraderie enabled us to engage in candid discussions about necessary adjustments to our slide deck and also ensured that every team member felt empowered to voice their opinions and contribute suggestions. Cultivating such a supportive and open dynamic not only fosters creativity and collaboration but also lays the groundwork for a fulfilling and successful competition experience.

The highlight of my Schroders internship revolved around the incredible individuals I met and worked alongside. What struck me most was the unwavering support and willingness of every team member to address any queries I had, fostering a truly nurturing environment throughout my internship journey. 

Tell us about your internship with Schroders

During my internship at Schroders, I’ve had the privilege of gaining exposure to  a multitude of  teams within the organisation including the product, multi-asset, fixed income and equities teams. Over the course of three months, I’ve been immersed in the intricacies of each team’s operations.

One particularly enriching aspect of my internship has been the opportunity to observe and participate in investment meetings across different investment teams. These experiences have provided invaluable insights into the decision-making processes employed by fund managers.

I’ve gained a profound understanding of the factors and considerations that inform investment decisions.  This exposure has not only broadened my understanding of investment strategies but has also prompted introspection regarding my own approach to investment decision-making.

There was a few reasons why I chose Schroders specifically. Firstly, talking with previous intern Jeff gave me insight into the great supportive culture within the organisation. Additionally, the prospect of working within a company with a global presence was enticing. With offices in prominent financial hubs like Sydney, London, and Singapore, Schorders offered an opportunity to immerse myself in a dynamic and diverse professional environment. This combination of a supportive culture and global reach made Schorders an ideal choice for me to gain valuable experience and broaden my horizons in the investment management industry. 

Is this your first internship/role at an investment management firm?

This is my first internship role at an investment management firm, previously I was a consulting vacationer at KPMG.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

The highlight of my internship experience undoubtedly revolved around the incredible individuals I had the privilege of meeting and working alongside at Schroders. What struck me most was the unwavering support and willingness of every team member to address any queries I had, fostering a truly nurturing environment throughout my internship journey.  Moreover, Schroders’ workforce comprises individuals from various corners of the globe, contributing unique perspectives and insights shaped by their diverse cultural backgrounds. This diversity not only enriched our collaborative efforts but also underscored the importance of inclusivity in the investment management industry. The vibrant exchange of differing investment viewpoints among team members fueled constructive discourse, ultimately enhancing our collective decision-making processes.

Did you meet any mentors/role models?

During my time at Schroders, I had the privilege of meeting several individuals whom I now regard as mentors in the industry. Across all teams, I encountered people who generously shared their wisdom and guidance on navigating a career in investment management. Moreover, I found the organisation’s approach to intern involvement with upper management particularly rewarding. This opportunity provided me with invaluable insights into the trajectory of a future in this industry.

What will you do over the next few years to better position yourself for an investing career?

One of the key lessons I learned during my time at Schroders was the importance of staying on top of financial news and economic changes. Through my experiences, I gained an understanding of the significant impact these events can have on asset class performance. As such, over the next few years, I will make it a priority to consistently stay abreast of key changes in markets and the economy to ensure I can succeed in this industry.   

Did you notice a gender imbalance within the workforce during your internship?

During my experience I felt as though Schroders placed significant emphasis on gender equality. Although I didn’t observe any gender imbalance during my internship, I recognise that there may be obstacles for women entering this field within the broader industry.


For many students, myself included, breaking into the investment management field can seem daunting from the outside. However, with Future IM/Pact's support and guidance, the path becomes clearer, and success feels within reach.

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Path to parity: Tracking progress towards gender equality in Australian investment teams

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