
Self-leadership: improve personal effectiveness through self-awareness


Frameworks and tools to deepen your self-awareness so you can skilfully work with your strengths and shadows. Explore your dominant personality type and how your thoughts and bahaviours impact the way you show up for yourself and others. 

What’s your dominant personality?

We all have personality preferences that shape our perceptions and behaviours (what you say and do). Knowing your personality preference is incredibly helpful for understanding how you show up in the world and interact with others.

Future IM/Pact Founder and leadership coach, Yolanda Beattie, uses the Clarity 4D personal profiling tool to unlock these insights. Based on Jungian psychology, Clarity 4D generates personality insights based on our preferences for gathering information (sensing / intuition), making decisions (thinking / feeling) and responding to situations (introversion / extraversion). These preferences are then translated into four ‘colour energies’.

In our Inner Game Workbook, you can self-assess your personality preferences using the Clarity 4D colour map to arrive at your two dominant preferences, and your two least dominant styles. You can also take a mini quiz on the Clarity 4D website to identify your dominant colour energy.

Being conscious about how your personality might be perceived and how you might be perceiving others can avoid a whole lot of misunderstandings and upset. Taking it one step further and adapting our style to suit the preferences of others can dramatically improve our ability to influence.

The Line – are you above or below?

Another great tool for better understanding yourself and how you behave in different situations is called The Line. Imagine a blank piece of paper with a horizontal line drawn through the centre of it. The line signifies a choice between how you thoughtfully respond to a situation or automatically react.

  • Operating above the line is open and positive. It’s about ownership, accountability and responsibility.
  • Operating below the line is closed and negative. It’s about denial, excuses, defensiveness and blame.

Watch this great animation that explains the concept.

Download our Inner Game Workbook to work through situations in your life and career where you may be operating below the line. Doing this work reveals wonderful insights into how you show up for others when triggered and/or under pressure and what it takes to shift your mindset and behaviours above the line.

Drama triangles – how are you playing the victim, villian or hero?

Almost all interpersonal conflict arises out of drama where well-worn scripts of victims, villains and heroes drag us below the line. When we’re stuck in drama we’re blaming others and committed to being right.

Watch this video to learn more about the drama triangle.

The Inner Game Workbook also includes a fun exercise to help you map out your drama triangle and apply the insights to a current relationship issue or persistent complaint. Give it a go to see how the different personas may be playing out for you.

Yolanda Beattie | Director | Future IM/Pact
Yolanda Beattie
Future IM/Pact
Future IM/Pact founder, Yolanda Beattie, brings a lifelong passion for inner work and the nature of consciousness to her leadership and teams development experiences, honed professionally over the past decade working with leaders and teams across a range of industries. Having spent the first 15 years of her career working in funds management, she combines her mindset development skills with industry insights to create powerful learning experiences grounded in practical application.

For more great content from Yolanda and the Future IM/Pact team, subscribe to our newsletter.


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