Get ready for invaluable insights from Amy Xie Patrick, Head of Income Strategies at Pendal Group, and a panelist on our Keystone Analyst Program, as she shares her unique perspective on developing a robust investment process, emphasising the importance of self-awareness, a systematic approach, and continuous learning in achieving consistent success.
I didn’t start my career in finance because I loved investing. I started because I grew up below the poverty line and wanted the fastest path to financial security with minimal downside risk. That pragmatic approach led me to a sell-side trading desk in emerging market credit, a niche, high-pressure world where expectations were extreme—make $10 million in your first year or become irrelevant.
The problem? No one really taught me how to make money.
My mentors, while invaluable in helping me navigate the professional world, weren’t traders. The traders I observed had no clear process—decisions were driven by momentum, gut feel, and an instinct that, when questioned, was chalked up to “experience.” Wins were attributed to skill; losses to bad luck or difficult clients. When I pressed for insight into what actually worked, the answer was always the same: “You’ll just get a feel for it over time.”
That answer never sat well with me. Experience only has value if you extract lessons from it and use those insights to refine your investment process. Time alone does not make you a better investor—deliberate learning does.
To gain conviction in my decision-making, I first had to understand myself. This is me at my most honest:
To gain conviction in my decision-making, I first had to understand myself... Instead of pretending to be certain, I embrace doubt. I plan for different scenarios, stress-test my views, and control what I can: the process leading up to a trade and the risk management after it.
Strong investing isn’t about sheer discipline or mental toughness—it’s about having a process that stacks the odds in your favour. A robust process enhances the gains from successful calls and limits the damage from bad ones. It turns investing from an unpredictable gamble into a craft you can refine.
I also believe that a bad outcome doesn’t necessarily mean it was a bad decision. What matters is that the decision was made with a well-structured approach, not on impulse. Just as in life, where motivation fades after three weeks on a new diet when someone offers you cake, relying on willpower alone in investing is unsustainable. Process wins over time.
Today, I run active income strategies across multiple asset classes, including fixed income—a sector with a long history of underperformance. Over the past 35 years, the median active fixed-income manager in Australia has delivered negative excess returns against benchmarks. Even in recent decades, performance has been lacklustre. But I don’t believe this means active investing doesn’t work. Our industry has failed to clearly define what active fixed income is, how to do it well, and what success looks like.
When done right, active investing adds resilience to portfolios in ways passive investing cannot. The more investors engage with active strategies—challenging their structure, understanding their philosophy, and demanding clear accountability—the more likely they are to achieve the financial confidence they seek.
I look forward to exploring these ideas further at the Keystone Analyst Program panel and sharing the lessons I’ve learned along my own journey.
Experience only has value if you extract lessons from it and use those insights to refine your investment process. Time alone does not make you a better investor—deliberate learning does.
Future IM/Pact is a collaborative initiative across the investment management industry aimed at increasing representation of female investors and creating workplace cultures where everyone can flourish.
Future IM/Pact is a collaborative initiative across the investment management industry aimed at increasing representation of female investors and creating workplace cultures where everyone can flourish.
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