
How your ego stops you from changing


The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.”

After years of working on change programs with individuals and teams, I’d add a caveat to that famous adage; change and resistance to change is the only constant in life.

Research from McKinsey and Company shows that 70% of all organisational change programs fail, largely due to employee resistance and lack of management support. So what is this opposition all about?

In previous blogs, I explored our inherent psychological immunity to change as a key factor in change resistance. The conscious desire to change is no match for our unconscious need to protect our core beliefs and identity. Often based on childhood assessments and societal conditioning, core beliefs are deeply held assumptions about ourselves, the world and others. They are firmly embedded in our thinking and significantly shape our reality and behaviour. But it is possible to change them.

The highly effective Immunity to Change X-Ray Tool is one way to unpack hidden commitments that inhibit our success. While it can be confronting digging deep into our psychological defences and insecurities, it also provides an enlightening gateway into our ego and unlocks new levels of growth and expansion. That's because our ego or identity feels threatened when challenged, and we try and self-protect with blame, control, defensiveness and change resistance.

The Immunity to Change framework authors, Drs Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey, claim this leads to a second job we are all doing but no one is paying us for – namely hiding our weaknesses and managing other people’s favourable impressions of us. This is the ego in action and the single biggest waste of a company’s resources and impediment to change.

Supporting individuals and teams to examine and face their core beliefs and self-protective behaviours can unearth uncomfortable truths but also leads to transformational and lasting change. 

Yolanda Beattie | Director | Future IM/Pact
Yolanda Beattie
Future IM/Pact
Future IM/Pact founder, Yolanda Beattie, brings a lifelong passion for inner work and the nature of consciousness to her leadership and teams development experiences, honed professionally over the past decade working with leaders and teams across a range of industries. Having spent the first 15 years of her career working in funds management, she combines her mindset development skills with industry insights to create powerful learning experiences grounded in practical application.

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