
Building a career you love with intention

A successful career is not just about financial gains, it's also about fulfilment, intellectual stimulation and purpose. In this collection, you’ll find tools and insights to help you craft a career strategy that aligns with your values, leverages your strengths and identifies opportunities for growth.

Tips for landing the job
Harriet King, Director - Debt, Platinum Pacific Partners
Viewing time: 15 minutes

Invaluable tips and advice from a recruitment specialist on how to land your dream job in investment management. Start by exploring what it is that makes you tick and then do your research to find the roles and industries that align. Creating a killer CV is essential and nailing the interview process by staying calm, asking quality questions and being ok with rejection. There is so much good stuff in this video – a must watch!

Workbook: Your leadership potential and building a career with purpose
Yolanda Beattie
Reading time: 3 minutes

A good career strategy gives you the clarity to figure out what impact you want to have through your work, the motivation to push through the hard times, and a pathway to achieving your goals. You can map put your career strategy in our downloadable workbook, which includes practical exercises to help you define your purpose and leadership profile, and create an action plan to bring your career aspirations to life. logo
How to Define Your Personal Values and Live By Them
Evelyn Marinoff
Reading time: 10 minutes

This Lifehack article focuses on the importance of defining and aligning your personal values with your actions and decisions. Personal values serve as guiding principles that shape our beliefs, behaviour, and overall sense of fulfilment. The article provides practical guidance on how to identify and clarify personal values, emphasising self-reflection, introspection, and identifying key themes and priorities. It highlights the significance of living in alignment with your values, as this fosters authenticity, integrity, and a sense of purpose.

Harvard Business Review logo
The Right Way to Find a Career Sponsor
Sylvia Ann Hewlett
Reading time: 5 minutes

This HBR article offers insights into the process of finding a career sponsor, a key figure who champions an individual's career advancement. Author Sylvia Ann Hewlett explains that a sponsor differs from a mentor in their active advocacy and tangible support, including providing high-visibility assignments and making influential introductions. The article provides practical advice on identifying potential sponsors, cultivating relationships, and earning their support by demonstrating excellence, building a strong personal brand, and fostering reciprocal relationships. Hewlett emphasises the importance of proactive sponsorship in advancing one's career and offers strategies for navigating the sponsor-sponsee relationship effectively.

Insights into how women can build a career they love
Meredith Jordan and Rebecca Brazier, Platinum Pacific Partners
Viewing time: 5 minutes

Building a fulfilling, sustainable career takes intention and self-direction. Hear from two recruitment specialists, and working mothers, on their best advice for strategically navigating your career and home life. They share insights on how women hold often themselves back and bust some myths about working in investment management. 

Building a career you love requires self-reflection, aligning your work with your values, and continuously seeking opportunities for growth. The content presented here is just a starting point, and we encourage you to participate in Future IM/Pact events and programs so you can connect with peers and industry leaders who can support you on your path.


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